Going Green with Your Small Business

Going Green with Your Small Business

Here’s one place where your small business has an advantage over the bigger guys: it’s relatively easier to make eco-friendly decisions. Here’s more about crafting a going green business strategy to help protect planet Earth.

Focus More Online

Going Green with Your Small Business
Going Green with Your Small Business
Focus your going green business strategy in the digital space to help reduce your environmental footprint. Leverage the internet by using it for your marketing campaigns, taking advantage of the opportunities available on social media platforms. Another avenue is email marketing. You might even want to integrate a digital payroll system into your small business.

Do Away with Paper

If going paperless may not be a viable option for your organization, cutting down on paper consumption can still be a focus for an effective going green business strategy. If American businesses cut down their paper use by just ten percent, it would save not only countless trees but also immense amounts of greenhouse gasses. And we’re not even talking about the energy saved not running printers or the creation and disposal of ink cartridges.

Reducing Energy

Other ways to reduce energy include turning off lights that are not necessary when natural daylight provides enough illumination within your workplace. Also, when computers are not in use, switch them off. This principle also applies to other equipment. The advantage of lowering energy use is two-fold; it helps the environment, and it also cuts down your energy bills, saving your small business money.

Environmental Travel Choices

Another part of your going green business strategy might concern travel, which can create a large carbon footprint. If you need to travel to work, consider walking, biking or carpooling options as ways to lower emissions from cars going to and from the workplace. Also, you might be able to coordinate employees to work remotely from home, thereby saving business travel altogether.

These are just some considerations for creating a going green business strategy. It may require some brainstorming and plan ahead, but there are many ways to become a more environmentally-friendly organization.

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