Choosing the Best Color Palette for Your Website

Choosing the Best Color Palette for Your Website

Color is often overlooked when it comes to online browsing and shopping. However, they can be a marketer’s best friend because they are subtle. This means that they don’t require a lot of active engagement to get the desired message across, and can be used as a very strong, powerful web design tool.

The Art of Color

Choosing the Best Color Palette for Your WebsiteColor is one of the best forms of art and expression that we have. We can send many messages based on the tones, shades, and saturation of the colors we choose. When applying color theory to business, it’s crucial that you understand how to choose your color palette.  Your main colors will be: primary color, secondary color, and an accent color.

Primary color: This color will be in about 80% of your palette and should work well with your secondary color. It will be used to target your audience and promote your brand.

 Secondary color: This color will be used in about 20% of your palette and should complement your primary color. It is designed to boost and highlight the primary and make it stand out.

 Accent color: This color will be used solely for elements that you want highlighted, such as a “buy now” button. This will draw your customers in and boost your desired results.

The Power of Color

Colors can evoke strong emotions within consumers. Colors are used in all kinds of situations to evoke and stimulate different senses. It’s important to know what colors are best for your website so that you gain the desired reaction. Follow the 60-30-10 rule when using your palette. This means applying 60% of your primary color, 30% of your secondary color and 10% accent color to your website.

Keep in mind the meaning behind the color. Here are some examples: purple portrays royalty, creativity, and imagination; red exemplifies excitement, passion, and boldness; and finally, blue demonstrates trustworthiness, dependability, and professionalism.

 When it comes to web design, there is a wide rainbow of color palette options to choose from. However, with the tips above, you should have no problem pinpointing the right colors for you, and reaching the success you desire.

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