Cloud technology is helping many U.S. small business owners with increasing efficiency and productivity. A recent study revealed that the number of American small businesses using cloud computing will double over the next half a decade.
Business in the Clouds
How to Use the Cloud as a Small Business
The cloud-based activities can range from email to social media and banking activities. There are effective cloud-based apps, platforms, and tools that all contribute to the rising number of small businesses turning to the sky. Through the cloud, companies can enjoy high levels of control over data, as well as better managing and sharing these details.
The cloud is also a great place for team collaboration. In the cloud, your small business team can manage projects and work on them simultaneously, even from opposite ends of the globe. Watch business productivity grow! Also, files are now available in the cloud, meaning they are not just tied to one computer; as a result, you can work on projects on tablets and smartphones, rather than being chained to a desk.
Security in the Cloud
Although you may wonder about security issues with the cloud, the reality is that the cloud is a very secure place to store data. The cloud offers data backup, protection from cyber-attacks, and low risks of hacking. And, should the power go down, you won’t lose your data. The data is safely stored in the cloud, and you can obtain it from your mobile device.
Saving Money by Migrating to the Cloud
For small businesses, another major benefit of moving to the cloud is saving money. The savings are significant with the move to cloud computing because it fully uses server hardware. You can get the most out of your server hardware through virtualization, with less power usage, support costs, or expensive maintenance.
Small Business Productivity & the Cloud Videos
How the Cloud is Reshaping Small Business Productivity
What Small Business Owners Need To Know About The Cloud And Cloud Computing